Ukarumpa International School

A great place to teach,
a great place to learn.

Ukarumpa International School, in the highlands of Papua New Guinea (PNG), is a regionally-accredited international school that provides education with a Biblical worldview and aims to prepare students to be successful in all aspects of life. Schoolwide learning outcomes include Knowledge, Understanding, Communication, Stewardship, and Biblical Worldview.

Students at UIS come from more than a dozen countries such as PNG, Australia, Netherlands, South Korea, Costa Rica, New Zealand, India, Russia, Switzerland, Colombia, United States, Ukraine, and Germany. Teachers come from a variety of countries, as well, and the school serves students from preschool through Grade 12.

UIS is sponsored by and located on the centre of operations of the Summer Institute of Linguistics - Papua New Guinea (SIL-PNG) at Ukarumpa, Eastern Highlands Province. UIS operates in close partnership with TeachBeyond.

What makes UIS so special?

No matter where you do it, teaching is a noble calling!  However, when you teach at UIS, you will not only be providing education for an amazing group of students, but you will also be directly supporting the cause of Bible translation in Papua New Guinea. There are still hundreds of language groups in PNG that do not yet have God’s Word in their mother tongue.

Most of our students’ parents serve in PNG as Bible translators, Literacy or Scripture Use workers, or support workers sent by Wycliffe Bible Translators. UIS also enrolls students from other Christian missions. By teaching the children of these mission workers, you are helping these families be able to stay on the field and to continue in the work they came here to do.

Why teach at UIS?

  • Having had children attend UIS at all grade levels, I have been very pleased with the academic as well as spiritual foundation nurtured in my children. This is truly a partnership experience; where the school has worked with us as parents to prepare our children to launch from our household into their next phase of life. - UIS Parent

  • Together, we are partnering in building God's Kingdom, from every tribe and tongue. It is humbling to be even a small part of what the LORD is doing here in Papua New Guinea." - Kathy, UIS Teacher

  • Teachers here provide an uplifting, encouraging atmosphere along with high standards of education. It's not just a job, it's a lifestyle that the kids observe and a critical role that enables Bible translators and literacy workers to succeed at their tasks. — UIS Parent

  • I never would have dreamed that teaching teenagers could be so rewarding until coming to teach at UIS. My students are respectful, honest, and eager to learn.... I could never teach in an 'ordinary' school again! - Sheila, UIS Teacher

Developing Godly, life-long learners




Developing Godly, life-long learners - UIS -